Sleep is gold! That is more than that. Sleep is what gives new energy to the tired body after the whole day's work. It is the key to keeping thoughts flowing properly and improving health. If you do not sleep properly for a long time, the body collapses. It becomes a pile of diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. Being swept up in the modern lifestyle, many people are getting these diseases. If you act with a bit of wisdom, you can drive away insomnia and diseases, caused by it.
Sleep is the most important and greatest gift that God has given us. Many things are done throughout the day. The organs of the body get tired after working. In this way, the body recovers the energy spent in the processes that take place in the body during sleep. Sleep is very important for the brain to regain energy and concentration, for us to learn, for what we have learned to be stored in the brain, and for us to remember. The growth hormone that supports the physical and mental growth of children is released during sleep. Sleep increases immunity. Prevents mental problems, especially anxiety and depression. So sleep is so important. We need 6-8 hours of sleep on average. Children need more. The opinion that 4 hours of sleep should be given to the elderly is not correct. Various factors contribute to proper sleep. The most important of these is the biological clock (circadian rhythm). This is caused by a small part of the brain. It determines how our life processes will take place. It induces us to fall asleep after being awake during the day and sleepy after dark. It is known that we turn off all the lights at night before going to sleep.
Two types
The sleep process and the actions in our brain are coordinated by EEG (Electro Encephalogram). Sleep can be divided into two parts. 1. Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. 2. Rapid eye movement- REM) sleep. These come in cycles one after the other. Each cycle takes about 30 minutes. A night's sleep lasts up to 4-5 cycles. Usually, sleep begins with NREM sleep. It is called slow-wave sleep. It consists of four stages. These come one after another. This sequence is also called the sleep and wake cycle. Before falling asleep, we keep noticing being a little tired, not feeling like working, yawning, and feeling like not going to sleep. At this time, sleepiness prevails. It is the first stage. In this, sleep intensity increases. In the second stage, we wake up easily. This is the sleep that children in class and adults get in meetings. From this, the depth of sleep increases. This is the third stage. During this time, even if there is a loud noise, movement Pina wakes up. After this, deep sleep takes place. This is the fourth stage. It is difficult to wake up from this. Even if forced to wake up, they fall back to sleep. After that REM sleep begins. It was some light sleep. In this, the eyes (eyeballs) move to and fro. We close our eyes. If the eyes are forced to open, the eyelids move to and fro. This is called paradoxical sleep. REM sleep usually occurs early in the morning. Dreams come at this time. Even remember some dreams. After completing the cycle with REM sleep comes early awakening.
When sleep does not come properly, various mental and physical symptoms arise.
• Lack of concentration
• Decreased thinking power
• Memory loss, lethargy, fatigue
• Anxiety, stress, irritability
• most dangerous. Making bad decisions. It is more common in people who drive vehicles at night and work with machines in factories. It leads to accidents. This is the main reason why most road accidents happen at night
Why sleep?
The exact reason why we fall asleep is still unknown. But it is said that the biological clock in the body is the reason. It detects light and dark. Especially because of light, the retina of the eye sends signals to the hypothalamus in our brain. It keeps you awake when it's light and sleepy when it's dark. On the other hand, the melatonin hormone released from the pineal gland also helps in falling asleep. Even if the body is tired after hard work and playing well, it falls asleep.
Diseases caused by chronic sleeplessness
It is very difficult to stop sleeping. Because we do not know that sleep is coming in the first and second stages of NRM. Hard work can stop one day, but later it is impossible. In people who work at night and drive vehicles, the life clock changes after a while. If it continues for a long time, various problems will arise.
High blood pressure
Normal blood pressure decreases during sleep. Insomnia can lead to long-term high blood pressure. Due to this, the risk of diseases like heart failure and paralysis also increases.
Insulin resistance arises with a lack of sleep. It means that the cells do not respond properly to insulin. As a result, glucose does not reach the cells. The resulting blood glucose levels grow up
If you don't get enough sleep, the hormones that control hunger in the brain are disrupted. So they eat more, and someone eats snacks at night time. If you don't get enough sleep, exercise will also decrease. All these lead to weight gain and obesity.
Things to do for good sleep
1. It is very important to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Even if you sleep late at night, you should get up at the same time in the morning. The next day I should sleep a little higher. If possible, take a nap in the afternoon. Try to compensate for this lost sleep. Also, don't expect to wake up late in the morning just because you went to bed late at night.
2. Make sure that the sleeping room is dimly dark. It is even better to make sure that the light in the house is low even before going to sleep.
3. Cellphones, TVs, and laptops should be turned off an hour before bedtime. Make sure that there are no such devices in the bedroom.
4. Tell cheerful chats with family members before going to bed.
5. Make sure the bed is comfortable.
6. Meals should be completed an hour or two before bedtime.
7. Make sure not to drink coffee, tea, or alcohol within 2 hours of going to bed.
8. Taking a bath with warm water after half an hour of light exercise in the evening will help you sleep better.
9. It's not okay to roll around in bed when you can't sleep. Get up and sit in a chair and listen to good music. Any good book should be read. Should have to go to bed when you feel sleepy.
Some sleep disorders
1. Confusion
Someone talk in their sleep. Their words are not well understood by the people around them.
2. Grinding the teeth
Grinding teeth in sleep is another problem. It is often seen in children.
3. Sleepwalking (somnambulism)
It usually occurs in children. Some sit up in their sleep. Some walk. Their eyes are open, but they know nothing.
These three problems are harmless. It decreases as children grow older.
4. Snoring
Usually it is more common in men and obese people when the tongue is lying on the back of the throat. Due to this, the narrowing of the airways and the muscles that help the inhaled air move into the lungs. This causes snoring due to the vibrations generated during breathing. None of this is dangerous. But it causes inconvenience to the neighbors.
Note: Snoring can be reduced by lying on one side and losing weight.
5. Obstruction of breathing during sleep (Sleep Apnea)
This is the main sleep problem. Most common in snorers. In this, after snoring loudly, the breath stops for a while. Then the percentage of oxygen in the body decreases and the percentage of carbon dioxide that needs to be expelled increases and wakes up from sleep. But immediately, they fall back to sleep, knowing nothing about this. It happens many times during night sleep.
How to determine the disease?
People with sleep apnea have symptoms such as not sleeping properly, not feeling fresh in the morning, being tired, not paying attention to work, lack of concentration, daytime sleepiness, irritability, mental anxiety, and depression. If you see these things, you should suspect sleep apnea. This can be determined by a polysomnography test. But it is a bit expensive. This test may not be available in many places.
What is the treatment?
Sleep apnea is a dangerous problem. It can lead to heart disease if it is persistent. Sudden death may also occur in some. So don't ignore it. Get treatment immediately. First of all, weight loss is important. If there are thyroid diseases, they should be treated. Smoking cigarettes, beedis, and tobacco should be avoided. Do not indulge in alcohol. If necessary, a CPAP device should be used to ensure that breathing does not stop during sleep.
6. Insomnia
Insomnia is another problem even when all conditions are favorable. It is more prevalent among young people. The most important reasons for this are cell phones, video games laptops, TVs, and video chatting. Ni does not come in time with these. Another reason is a lack of physical activity. But now everyone likes to watch the games. Not really playing. In addition to these habits, drinking coffee, tea, alcohol, smoking cigarettes, pub culture, midnight movies, etc., are leading to insomnia among the youth. In adults - thinking about children, financial conditions, stress at work, etc., is the cause. At present, the feeling of insecurity has also increased in society. These cause insomnia.