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Facts about immune system and it's food

A healthy diet, regular exercise, plenty of sleep, and reduced stress are all good for the immune system. Above all, a balanced diet plays an important role. So make sure that you have a good nutritious diet that includes vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, iron, zinc, and proteins.

Shake the plate

Most vitamins and minerals can be obtained through diet for a built immune system. Therefore, it is most important to have a balanced diet. Dishes should be served so the plate is decorated with various colors of vegetables and fruits. It should be noted that missing one or two leads to malnutrition. If you want to take it as a tablet, you should take the doctor's advice. But this way is not correct for the built immune system. The body absorbs the maximum nutrients from food.

food for immune system

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is known as an anti-inflammatory vitamin. Because, it plays a vital role in enhancing the function of the immune system. Vitamin A contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system as a whole. The heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs work properly. Actually what it does is grow cells. Belonging to the class of fat-soluble vitamins, it improves the functioning of the immune system, including T cells, B cells, nitrogenase, and white blood cells. This protects against viral infections, colds, and flu. Not only that, it protects the skin cells from damage and prevents the entry of germs like bacteria. Vitamin A is also important among antioxidants.

High in what? : Lettuce, fish, carrots, eggs, mangoes, papayas.

How much is needed?

For men: 900 micrograms

For females: 700 micrograms

Eg: 32 micrograms in a cup of yogurt, 75 micrograms in an egg, and 60 micrograms in an

85-gram serving of salmon.

Beta carotene

Beta carotene is one of the immune system-boosting nutrients. It is also similar to vitamin A and is called a provitamin. When our body needs it, it turns into vitamin A. It is mostly available to vegetarians. One sweet potato contains 1400 micrograms, 1/4 cup of carrot slice has 400 micrograms, and half a cup of boiled lettuce has 570 micrograms of beta-carotene.

Vitamin B12

Having enough vitamin B12 in the body is important for staying healthy and for the immune system to function properly. Folic acid and vitamin B12 help improve the immune system to stay healthy and prevent disease. It not only gives energy to the body but also helps to break down the proteins in the food eaten. It participates in the growth of white blood cells and the synthesis of antibody components. This helps in fighting bacteria and viruses by stimulating the immune system from time to time.

High in: Carbohydrates such as fish, meat, and eggs

How much is required:

For men and women: 2.5 micrograms daily

For adults: 2.6 micrograms

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. It plays an important role in supporting the immune system. Vitamin C aids in immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of the innate and adaptive immune systems. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that significantly improves the production and function of white blood cells. Stimulates the immune system and reduces the severity of colds, flu, fever, and throat infections. Also prevents allergies. Vitamin C is neither produced nor stored by the body. So you have to make sure that you get enough food every day.

High in: Citrus fruits such as peas, oranges, lemon, amaranth, guava, papaya, strawberries, cabbage, broccoli, green pepper, potato, and cilantro.

How much is needed: Male: 90 mg, Female 75 mg

(Eg: 100 grams of guava contains 228 mg, 100 grams of coriander contains 133 mg, 100 grams of lemon contains 77 mg, one cup of papaya contains 62 mg, and orange contains 70 mg of vitamin C)

Vitamin D

Vitamin D also plays a part in the proper functioning of the immune system. Belonging to the class of fat-soluble vitamins, it is involved in various cyclamen functions. Vitamin D is essential for proper immune function. It stimulates the function of T cells and macrophage cells. They resist bacteria and viruses early. It also has the property of preventing inflammation. It also protects the immune system. It is not like other vitamins. Most of it is made by our body itself in the presence of sunlight. Tuberculosis in vitamin D deficiency. The risk of respiratory diseases like asthma and COPD is high. Recent studies have shown that those hospitalized with Covid-19 who have adequate doses of vitamin D have fewer side effects and fewer deaths. The role that vitamin D plays in keeping the immune system healthy is complex because the immune system needs to be perfectly balanced. There is increasing evidence for the role of vitamin D in the regulation of the immune system.

More on why: Sun exposure is important. Egg yolk contains some amount of gold and animal liver.

How much is needed: 800 IU per day


Zinc is essential for many cellular functions. It helps the immune system to function properly. A damaged immune system can contribute to constipation.

High in: Whole grains. In meat, milk, curd, buttermilk, and cheese.

How much is needed: For men: 14 mg per day

For women: 11 mg per day


Proteins play an important role in tissue repair. It is essential for the immune system to function properly. Antibodies Immune cells rely on proteins to function efficiently. Our body's immune system functions properly if we consume enough protein on a daily basis.

High in: Pulses like pigeon pea, moong dal, chick-pea, rajma, milk like curd, buttermilk, lassi, many products, meat like chicken, meat, eggs

How much is needed: 0.8 – 1 gm depending on body weight.

Vitamin E

It participates in the functioning of various systems in the body. Natural immunity is supported by food. It is more abundant in immune cells than in other cells in the pancreas. It can be understood how important it is in the active functioning of the immune system. On the one hand, it directly increases the ability of T cells and cell division, while on the other hand, it indirectly inhibits factors that contribute to the inflammatory process. Its deficiency increases the risk of respiratory diseases. Allergy problems like asthma are more likely to occur. The mechanisms underlying vitamin E's effects on inflammation and the immune system have been explored in cell-based, pre-clinical, and clinical intervention studies.

Rich in: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seed oil, nuts like almonds, peanuts, lettuce

How much is needed: For those over fourteen years: 15 mg per day (eg: 30 grams of almonds, 7 mg in sunflower seeds, 6 mg in a spoonful of sunflower seed oil, 1 mg in a spoonful of soybean oil.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is an important vitamin because it regulates our immune system and makes us physically strong. The most important thing about vitamin K is that it helps our gut, which is closely related to our body's immune system. Vitamin K participates in the elimination of unnecessary cells and the birth of new healthy cells. These functions are very important for the immune system.

High in: Fresh greens, vegetables like green cabbage

How much is needed: Adults: 55 µg per day.


Iron deficiency in our body causes anemia. So we should take more iron. This increases the blood in our body. Immune system works better due to more blood. Not only to reduce anemia. Iron helps the immune system to function properly. When there is an infection anywhere, the lymph cells reach there and stimulate the immune system. These lymph cells need iron to function properly.

High in: Meat, chicken, pulses, leafy greens like lettuce, garden curry

How much is needed: For men: 11 mg per day

For women: 15 mg per day.


The health of the intestines depends on the food we eat. Recent studies have shown the use of probiotics in reducing the risk of respiratory infections and in reducing the speed of their occurrence. These help in the growth of good bacteria in the intestines that are good for us. Probiotics such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Live Bacillus subtilis, and Enterodagis pedbis were given to those hospitalized with Covid-19 who needed oxygen through a machine, and the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia was significantly reduced. In particular, modulation of the immune system is one of the most plausible mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of probiotics on human health.

High in: Well-cured curd, buttermilk made from such curds, fermented foods.

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