The cactus fruit that was introduced just yesterday is being eaten like it has excellent nutrients. Its name is drawn fruit. Now another desi cactus has also joined this category. The same was added. It is Brahma or Prickly pear fruit. Experts say that not only the fruits but also the stalks of this plant can be eaten anywhere. Thorns seem to eat a plant. That's why its story is.

If the cactus plant is seen on the roadside or the farm ridges, farmers say that this thorny plant is here. Others think that if they grow, they will grow. So the Americans - especially the Mexicans - have been cultivating that plant that we do not care about for a hundred years and eating its stems and fruits. Cactus fruit cultivation has just started in our country. These can withstand drought and low investment. So many people are interested in growing this cactus in places where there is no water supply. Moreover the stems of this plant are used as fodder for cattle. It is natural to think about how to eat those plants full of thorns. That is why the size of thorns is now greatly reduced through hybridization. Even those small-thorns will blow away if you scratch them with a knife. It is easy to grow. If the cut stems are buried in the ground, they will grow for a year and bloom in two or three years. But removing the thorns from the fruit and eating it has been in use with us since ancient times. That's why we call it the poor man's fruit; Americans call this fruit Tuna Fruit, Prickly Pear, Nopal, and Paddle Cactus if it has a taste of pears.
Nutrition values of Cactus fruit
Amount of 100 g
Energy 41 kcal
Protein 0.73 g
Fat 0.52 g
Iron 0.30 mg
Copper 0.08 mg
Zink 0.12 mg
Fiber 3.6 g
Sodium 5 mg
Calcium 56 mg
Potassium 220 mg
Carbohydrates 9.56 g
Folate 6 µg
Vitamin A 43 IU
Vitamin C 14 mg
About crop
A plant is full of thorns with wide stems. The leaves of cactus plants growing in desert areas are either small or spiny. Then the stalks turn into leaves and make food. It is said that since there is no water in the desert, the little water that is there is stored in that stem. This Nagajem is also such a plant. However, nutritionists claim that not only cactus fruits but also its stems are good for health. So they are collecting and selling cactus fruits. Coconuts are high in potassium and magnesium in water. The demand for this water has increased due to the fact that it is good for muscle coordination and heart function. Juices, jams, and jellies are also made with the pulp of these fruits. Also, the de-thorned stalks are used in curries and salads. Moreover, the use of this cactus has increased in the preparation of cosmetics such as shampoos, creams, body lotions, and medicines to prevent diseases like hypoglycemia, diabetes, cholesterol, and obesity.
Cactus leaves contain 88 percent water, 10 percent carbohydrates, and a small amount of protein and fat. One hundred grams the stems provide 17 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C and 24 percent magnesium in addition to 41 calories. The percentage of antioxidants is high in the leaves and fruits of this cactus. They block viruses and affect the functioning of neurons. The flavonoids in cactus fruits help reduce breast, prostate, stomach, pancreas, uterine, ovarian, and lung cancers. The cactus fruit helps to control blood sugar levels and reduce swelling of the prostate glands. Cactus fruits also contains vitamin-A, C, I, B6, folate, iron, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc. The fiber in cactus fruits reduces hunger and bad cholesterol. It is said that betanin, a substance in these fruits, makes gastric juice smooth, so eating it improves digestion and prevents constipation. Antioxidants in cactus fruits protect the liver by reducing oxidative stress. Also, potassium lowers BP and is good for the heart. Moreover, many types of research show that the moisture in this cactus pars is good for scalp and skin beauty.