WhatsApp has already introduced many privacy features for users. One such thing is WhatsApp Lock. As a part of that, TouchID, FaceID, and Fingerprint Unlock have been provided to the users. All this helps the user to keep his account from being seen by others. Along with this, fingerprint unlock has been added. People who get it will have to use TouchID or FaceID (iPhone) or fingerprint unlock (Android). This feature is available on Android and iOS platforms. Once it is obtained, use fingerprint or face WhatsApp. It should be noted here that even though the app is locked, users still have the facility to make phone calls.
To lock an iOS smartphone
• Open WhatsApp settings.
• Privacy should be selected as the top and screen lock.
• Turn to Require TouchID or Require FaceID.
• Standby mode means selecting how long both of these are required.
(If both of them are not unlocked then you can enter with a passcode on your iPhone)
Open settings for disabled. Tap Privacy - Hit Screen Lock - Require ID or Require Face ID to turn off.
On an Android smartphone
•Open WhatsApp and tap on More Options.
•Go to Settings and select Privacy.
•Go to the bottom and tap the app lock.
• Biometric analysis requires a turn.
•Fingerprint sensor touch or face scan and confirmation.
To disable this, open WhatsApp on an Android smartphone - go to Top More Options - Settings and select Privacy - App Lock Top, and Turn off Biometric Unlock. Also, it has some pre-conditions. Android fingerprint sensor should work. Must be running on the Android 8.0 version. Google Fingerprint API should be supported. In terms of scanning, an Android device should especially have a face scanner.
What to do if Bluetooth is not connected to the PC
There are several reasons why Bluetooth won't connect to a working PC. There may be driver issues or Bluetooth hardware failure that won't connect. But in these situations, troubleshooting can be done like this.
• Most of the problems can be avoided with restart. Restarting the Windows device will reboot all drivers and hardware. So Bluetooth can be connected.
•Check Bluetooth drivers on Windows Devices – Open Device Manager. Open the Bluetooth option and check the driver update. Disabling it once and enabling it again may solve the problem.
• Restart the Bluetooth service. Windows and R keys together
should be pressed. Type service.msc. Go to Bluetooth support service. Right-click to restart the service.
• Go to the manufacturer's website and download the latest Bluetooth drivers for your laptop.
• Microsoft has added a built-in troubleshooting tool in Windows. Go to Settings and select Update and Security. Click on Troubleshoot. Select Bluetooth. Run it and check the problem.
• Ensure that the latest Windows Update is installed. For that, you have to go to settings. Select Update and Security. Click on Check for Updates.
•Also, check for missing Bluetooth hardware. Go to Device Manager and select Bluetooth. It is enough to check that.