A terrible accident took place in Greece. A passenger train and a goods train collided head-on. The incident took place in the middle of Tuesday night near the town of Tempe, 380 kilometers away from Athens. Three boxes caught fire. Some bogies were completely derailed. At least 38 people lost their lives and more than 85 people were injured, officials said. The death toll may increase as there are more seriously injured people. Both the trains were traveling at a speed of over 140 km per hour at the time of the accident. Due to the severity of the accident, their first three bogies lost their nameplates. The flames reached 1,300 degrees Celsius, making it difficult to identify those trapped and burnt. DNA tests will be conducted on the dead bodies. Agitated, some passengers jumped out of the windows.
Students are more
About 350 people are traveling on the train going from Athens to Thessaloniki. Most of them are students who are returning to college after spending their holidays in fun. Officials said that a total of 8 railway staff including four loco pilots of two trains were killed in the accident. Greece's Transport Minister Kostas Karamanis announced his resignation in honor of those who lost their lives.
Even if sudden brakes are applied.
Several ambulances were required to treat the victims caught in the fire. Rescue operations are being carried out even in dense smoke. They are trying to save those trapped under the rusted rice. Army has decided to participate in relief operations. "Before the accident, the loco pilot braked suddenly. The train stopped at once.. the goods coming from the opposite side collided with the train. Our bogie was not derailed, but the front was destroyed. They were obvious to us. I was in the fourth bogie and immediately came out of the window,' said a young man who survived the accident safely. Three days of mourning were declared in Greece.