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Healthy food for pregnant women

food for pregnant women

Whatever a pregnant woman eats or drinks, the fetus eats like a drunk. Inhale whatever is like the fetus breathing. All the nutrients and oxygen in the mother's blood reach the fetus through the placenta and umbilical cord. They play a vital role in the growth of the fetus. So pregnant women need to eat a balanced diet. What is a balanced diet? Please provide the required nutrients in their respective proportions.

How do you want to measure and eat these? It is okay to fill the platter with rainbow colors. White with things like rice, curd, eggs, and fish. Red with things like tomato, carrot, beetroot, apple, and meat. Green with vegetables like banana, mango, and papaya. If you decorate the platter with all the above colors, all nutrients get equal. It is also important to divide the teeth into three parts. Make sure to have vegetables and fruits up to half. Should divide the other half into two protective portions for the mother's child. One aspect of rice should take carbohydrates with whole grains like little finger millets (ragulu) and pearl millets (sajjalu). Do not exceed 250-300 grams of these.

While the calories in the starch are energy, the proteins help build the body. On the other hand, it should ensure that protein materials like meat, fish, milk, pulses, eggs, and greens and fruits provide essential vitamins and minerals like folic acid and iron. Should take these according to body condition, age, and pregnancy period.

Need extra food

Many pregnant women think that they can eat anything and as much as they want. It is said to eat for two, not for one. The above words are not entirely true. Pregnant women need 2050 calories per day. In the first trimester, a regular diet is sufficient. No need to eat extra. Should increase the amount of food from four to five months. The fetus is fully grown in the last trimester. There is no space in the stomach. Then reduce the amount of rice and increase the amount of meat, pulses, milk, and curd. Eat less and more frequently. With this, the food is digestive properly. And nutrients are highly concentrated.

The first three months are crucial

Most people do not recognize pregnancy early. Due to this, in the first trimester, they neglect food whether they know it or not. Food neglect is incorrect. The brain and organs form in the fetus within the first three months. Cannot correct if there are errors. And keep coming. This type of problem is more common in people with folic acid deficiency. So caution is needed. Folic acid can find in green vegetables, fruits, and legumes. Folic acid tablets are also necessary. Don't reduce the amount of folic acid you are wearing. The body quickly absorbs folic acid from food. The excess is excreted in the urine if the dose is too high.

Need complete proteins

Pregnant women need 43 grams of protein per day. In the last quarter, 54 grams of protein is one amino acid in grains, legumes, and meats. When these are combined, defects are compensated and form complete proteins. Therefore, rice, sorghum, ragu, pulses, and nuts should be a matter of course. Eating the soaked and sprouted pulses is better than removing the shell. Thus the doses of B vitamins. And even grow. If you find it difficult to digest, it is better to eat soaked pulses cooked. If you are a non-vegetarian, you should eat meat, chicken, and eggs.

What our mother eats determines who we are! Nutrients received from the mother during pregnancy assess our health. A mother is everything to a growing fetus. All nutrients are supplied through amniotic fluid and placenta. These are not only in the embryonic stage but also after birth. For that matter, they leave an indelible mark on our health when we grow up. That is why pregnancy food is so important.

Iron is preferred

Neither breast milk nor formula contains iron. That is why the mother's body takes care to protect the baby. It ensures the store of enough iron in the baby's body for the first six months. After six months, we will start steaming anyway, so till then, we will get the required iron. So pregnant women should take iron-rich food. Usually, most pregnant women have a low hemoglobin percentage. In such situations, if iron passes from the mother to the fetus, the hemoglobin will decrease further. Iron deficiency can make lactation difficult. The child may be born with low weight and defects. So make sure you have enough iron in your diet. Dry fruits like ragi, green vegetables, pulses, and dates are rich in iron. Also available with meat, fish, chicken, and eggs. The body can absorb iron more efficiently by taking vitamin C-rich foods such as amla, guava, and orange. Beverages like tea the iron in the food and prevent it from being absorbed by the body. So make sure not to drink tea immediately after eating.

• 100 grams of soybeans have 43 grams, and pulses have 18-20 grams of protein. 12-13 grams of protein in little finger millets (ragulu), pearl millets (sajjalu), wheat, sorghum, and 6-7 grams in rice. One hundred grams of milk contains grams of protein.

• Phosphorus is rich in protein in fish. It helps the child's brain growth and intelligence

Fats and oils in moderation

Pre-fetal weight gain and gestational weight gain are good, but in some cases, the gestational weight gain but not the baby weight gain. So don't overeat meat, fats, and oils that cause weight gain. If possible, take extra virgin olive oil. An average of 30 grams (six spoonfuls) of oil per day is sufficient. One day more. There is no problem if you take less daily, but the oil extracted after extraction is better.

Calcium for bones

Pregnant women need 800 mg of calcium per day. It is available with milk, curd, cheese, butter, green vegetables, and finger millets. With this, the bones of the child grow well. It is also essential to get some sun exposure every day.

Milk is good, but

Milk is a complete food but lacks other nutrients like iron. So it is not appropriate to depend on milk alone. It is better to take pasteurized milk that has removed impurities and harmful germs like bacteria, as its fats would convert into small molecules. They boost immunity.

Don't be rude

Do not indulge in smoking, tobacco, and alcohol habits. Maya does not block harmful substances like nicotine and carbon monoxide in smoke. They reach the fetus directly through the blood. Bad habits reduce oxygen in the blood—the risk of damaging the nerves of the pregnant baby with alcohol. As the brain grows, it becomes stunted. Even the food eaten with alcohol does not pass properly.


Constipation starts in the last months. Hormone levels increase during pregnancy. The hormone progesterone relaxes the intestines. As a result, the stool cannot push forward as firmly as before. The longer the stool stays in the colon, the more water it contains. This makes the stool hard. As the fetus grows, the weight of the uterus increases. This puts more burden on the intestines. This makes it difficult to pass stool. Sometimes the bacteria in the intestines do not break down the food even with high iron intake. All these lead to constipation in the last trimester. Fruits, fruit juices, and leafy vegetables provide fiber. In addition to these, drinking enough water can prevent constipation. Make sure to drink 8-12 glasses of water a day.

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